Contact: Dan Conklin, PhD
Portable GE Medical Systems Lunar PIXImus Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometer (DEXA) Scan The Lunar PIXImus Densitometer (GE Medical Systems) provides bone mineral and body composition (lean and fat body mass) composition results from total body imaging in less than 5 min.
AVOXimeter 4000 Whole Blood CO-oximeter Performs individual measurements of total hemoglobin (tHb), oxyhemoglobin saturation (%O2Hb), carboxyhemoglobin (%COHb), and methemoblobin (%MetHb) on freshly-drawn or heparin- or EDTA-anticoagulated whole blood samples as small as 50µL. Oxygen content ([O2Ct]), percent saturation (SO2) and oxygen carrying capacity (O2Cap) of the blood sample are automatically calculated from the %HbO2 and THb measurements.
Kent Scientific CODA 6 Non-invasive Blood Pressure Monitoring System A computerized system that automatically performs rapid, simultaneous, multiple measurements of six physiological parameters: systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, mean pressure, heart rate, tail blood flow, and tail blood volume, on up to six test subjects.
Inhalation Facility This barrier style facility houses an AAALAC-certified animal room (500 ft2) and a procedure room consisting of 240 ft2 of laboratory space, a biosafety cabinet, fume hood, microbalance, refrigerator, and 4 linear feet of dedicated bench space. Exposure laboratories comprise two rooms (380 ft2 and 200 ft2) equipped with aldehyde and cigarette smoke exposure systems. A separate vapor exposure system delivers volatiles from either permeation tubes (Kin-Tek; LaMarque, TX) or concentrated gas tanks (AirLiquide, Plumstead, PA) for volatile compound exposures with real-time monitoring using RAE Systems detectors (PID; ppbRAE Plus; MultiRAE). For smoke exposures, there is a complete 4-chamber inExpose system (SCIREQ; Montreal, CAN) robotic cigarette smoke system capable of performing multi-dose level exposures using programmable mixing of mainstream and sidestream smoke. The Facility also houses a Versatile Aerosol Concentration Enrichment System (VACES) with capacity to simultaneously expose 64 mice to both ambient concentrated particulate matter (CAPs) and to HEPA-filtered air.
Inhalation Facility This barrier style facility houses an AAALAC-certified animal room (500 ft2) and a procedure room consisting of 240 ft2 of laboratory space, a biosafety cabinet, fume hood, microbalance, refrigerator, and 4 linear feet of dedicated bench space. Exposure laboratories comprise two rooms (380 ft2 and 200 ft2) equipped with aldehyde and cigarette smoke exposure systems. A separate vapor exposure system delivers volatiles from either permeation tubes (Kin-Tek; LaMarque, TX) or concentrated gas tanks (AirLiquide, Plumstead, PA) for volatile compound exposures with real-time monitoring using RAE Systems detectors (PID; ppbRAE Plus; MultiRAE). For smoke exposures, there is a complete 4-chamber inExpose system (SCIREQ; Montreal, CAN) robotic cigarette smoke system capable of performing multi-dose level exposures using programmable mixing of mainstream and sidestream smoke. The Facility also houses a Versatile Aerosol Concentration Enrichment System (VACES) with capacity to simultaneously expose 64 mice to both ambient concentrated particulate matter (CAPs) and to HEPA-filtered air.